India has an extensive marine history.
It is risky to alter history by creating occurrences.
Madhya Pradesh Higher Education Minister Inder Singh Parmar’s recent assertions about India’s ancient connections with America and Vasco da Gama’s visit to India have stirred controversy.
According to Parmar, Indian forefathers headed by Vasuloon in the 8th century “discovered” America, not Christopher Columbus. He questioned the involvement of Vasco da Gama, claiming that a Gujarati trader named Chandan, with a larger ship, led him to India. These remarks, which lack historical proof, have caused worry.
India has a long maritime history, with ancient people building enormous ships and going far from their beaches.

Distorting history through fabrication or exaggeration is hazardous. India has made significant contributions to mathematics, astronomy, and philosophy throughout its history. There is no need to create fresh stories to enhance the heritage.
Parmar’s assertions about Indian influence in pre-Columbian America and Vasco da Gama’s voyage contradict recognised historical facts. To understand India’s maritime collapse, it’s important to look beyond fancy hypotheses and consider historical cultural trends that hindered seafaring.
Exploring India’s true history, such as Mahatma Gandhi’s autobiography The Story of My Experiments With Truth, might provide a more profound perspective of our past. Misrepresenting history obscures India’s actual legacy, which is powerful enough without fantastical embellishments. Leaders like Parmar must maintain historical integrity in the face of widespread misrepresentation. India’s strength is rooted in its truth, not in rewriting history.
We must base our understanding of the past on facts rather than myths. To create a better future, we should focus on the future rather than the past.

Author: This news is edited by: Abhishek Verma, (Editor, CANON TIMES)
Authentic news.